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Schools and Education Visits

At the Staffordshire History Centre we offer a range of workshops, activities and walking tours: contact us to book a full or half day experience for your group! Alternatively, contact us to arrange a school visit from our Learning Officer and bring history to life without leaving your classroom.

Please see details of our current offer below, or email Lizzie the Learning Officer at [email protected] for further details and prices.

Discover Your Local Area                                KS1-2            Onsite or assembly

Use photos, maps and artefacts to travel through time and meet characters from Stafford’s past. This session involves dressing up, real artefacts for handling and a walking tour which retraces an ancient map through the town’s streets. Each school will go home with a resource pack to help them create their own local history study about their town or village.

Colourful Coats of Arms                                 EY-KS1             Outreach or onsite session

An action-packed adventure exploring historical coats of arms! Travel through time to meet the Lonely Staffordshire Lion and get hands on with dressing up and team problem solving. Curriculum links to castles, monarchy and family trees, with opportunities for discussing identity and self-expression. Each child goes home with their own coat of arms craft.

Mary the Mole Goes Digging                          EY-KS1            Outreach or onsite session

An early year’s introduction to the world beneath our feet. This tactile, sensory adventure follows Mary the Mole as she digs down through geological strata to find natural treasures, human-made objects and the raw materials which have made Staffordshire famous. Involves handling real raw materials and historical/geological objects!

Beneath Our Feet                                               KS2                Onsite

Dig down into Staffordshire’s industrial history: explore the raw materials which made the county a centre of global commerce and meet the people who turned the wheels of progress (for better and for worse!) This session involves interactive role play, dressing up, sensory experiences and a chance to get hands on with real historical objects and documents. The class will need to unite and defeat the nefarious factory owner, Mr Moneybags!

Watch this space: we will be adding more workshops and a loan box offer soon!